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Back Issues Out of Print

The 4 issues listed below are out of print and no longer available for sale. We do offer reprints of specific articles from these issues, and have published a few of our Greatest Hits from them online. Our site is also searchable!
To download a complete index of all published articles (in-print or out) with price list click here.
(Note: this index is a .PDF document. Unless you have a way cool web browser you will need to download it and use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it.) If you do not have Acrobat you may obtain it free from Adobe. The index is about 100K.

Out of print as of Jan. 2020

1. April/May 93 - Our world premiere issue!

2. June/July '93 - The L.P.G.A. comes to the G.C.

3. August/September '93 - Lake Ontario: The G.C.'s playground

26. Holiday '00- Christmas Collecting, Historic Geneseo, Sledmaking


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